舶用ディーゼルエンジン用軸受:Bearing for Power Marine Diesel Engines
低速舶用ディーゼル・エンジンには多くの種類のホワイトメタル軸受が使用されますが、 弊社では永年の経験に基づいて大小あわせその全種類の軸受を生産しています。
厚肉メタルから薄肉メタルまで、弊社ならではの鋳造・加工ノウハウを存分に発揮し、 UEC、Wärtsilä、B&W各タイプの高性能エンジンの信頼のおけるパーツとして、 ユーザーから絶大なるご好評をいただいております。
Based on our long history of accomplishment, we produce all of the numerous types of white metal bearings, large and small, that are used in low-speed marine diesel engines. From thick-walled to thin-walled metal, our casting and processing know-how is fully demonstrated in the critical parts relied on by such high-performance engines, as UEC, Wärtsilä and B&W, enjoying the highest reputation from our users.
Our bearings are used as important parts of high-load diesel engines. And white metals are used for the contact point of this rotary motion; in fact white metal bearings have come to be called the “heart” of any machine that uses spinning shafts.